Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Sunday 31 May 2020

Exercise Walks in May 2020


We are so lucky with yet another glorious late spring morning! Well, that's it, the end of May and the end of this chapter of 2020. I consider today to be the last day of spring and tomorrow (1st June) the first day of summer. We the weather last? Next week will have some major changes with outdoor markets being allowed to trade. This means back to work at Bridlington Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It will also be the furthest I have travelled since lockdown began, back in March! I cannot help but wonder if the lessening of lockdown has been allowed too soon? Time will tell...….

I'm going to have a bit of a rant! What part of social distancing do birders / photographers not understand? Travel to nature reserves by individual vehicles and then meet up and walk about almost hand in hand. The wide open spaces are great for health BUT social distancing is a must, Covid-19 does not respect closeness, even in the open. Yesterday, I mentioned the term "unsocial hogging". Billy big lens, big tripod and big bag arrives and sets up for the day in a prime spot. No way is he / she going to move in case an image of Puffins juggling Guillemot eggs is missed! We are still in crisis, so move around and let others enjoy all aspects of nature.

Very early start this morning to avoid the crowds. As a result the light wasn't good enough at Buckton pond (puddle / damp patch) to capture this small family group of Pied Wagtails...

Along Hoddy Cows Lane, I couldn't resist images of the glorious early morning, taken with my iPhone 7...

Further towards the cliffs, an obliging Skylark...

And Meadow Pipit...

The cliffs were alive with the sound , sight and smell of seabirds! All breeding species were seen in varying numbers!

Glorious Gannets...

Fabulous Fulmars...

Pompous Puffins...

Charismatic Kittiwakes...

I'm still not seeing large numbers of Auk eggs, but fingers crossed for them.

Good numbers of Kittiwake eggs...

It is good to see an egg with one of the pairs of "first time" Gannets...

An interesting Razorbill egg!

And finally the walk down Cliff Lane with Common Whitethroat...


And, finally, Goldfinch...

Walking distance in May 2020 c170 miles!

Tomorrow starts a new chapter and as yet, I haven't a clue what it will be!

Saturday 30 May 2020

Exercise Walks in May 2020

Living in close proximity with other seabirds means that you often wear delightful shades of poop!

Another early walk and fantastic weather, blue sky, sunshine, mild and only a slight breeze. Guaranteed to bring out the crowds.....

RSPB Bempton Cliffs have opened the reserve and car park BUT the visitor centre, café, shop and toilets remain CLOSED. Please adhere to the governments instructions regarding the Covid-19 crisis, reserve signs, one way systems and staff instructions.

I would add another sign - "No unsocial hogging" especially on smaller viewpoints! Most people will know what I mean!

It looks as though the Mistle Thrushes have fledged with no sign this morning!

Walking from Buckton, some of the farmland birds obliged my camera for a change!

Song Thrush...


Corn Bunting...


Reed Bunting...

Meadow Pipit...

Common Whitethroat...

On the cliffs, business continues! Photographers ask "Where are the Puffins?" Perhaps some binoculars would help? All of the birds are there! 

I couldn't resist a little bit of "voyeurism" of cloacal kissing. The staying power of some of these birds is "impressive"!



 Some ragging of the vegetation...

And finally, as I sit writing up todays blog, Heather phones me to say she has found a drake Mandarin Duck on Bempton pond! I had to go...!