Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Monday 31 July 2023

Thornwick Pool, Flamborough - 31st July 2023


Little Ringed Plover / Dunlin Interaction

I observed the Little Ringed Plovers mating at Thornwick Pool, then on their scrape nest, so I thought I really ought to see three juveniles. The LRP's were well spread out and it took a while to see all three juveniles and their parents. Four Dunlin were also on the pool, much to the unhappiness of the adult LRP's, with much feisty interaction!

Juvenile Little Ringed Plovers

Adult Little Ringed Plovers

Adult Little Ringed Plover / Dunlin Interaction


All images taken with Sony RX10 Mk4.

Thank you for looking

Sunday 30 July 2023

Bempton & Buckton Walk - 30th July 2023


Bempton Pond

A very late start (for me) this morning, waiting for the early rain to pass through. Couldn't face a walk up to the "zoo", so wandered through Bempton and Buckton.

Aren't young Moorhens cute?

A little bit of cheer!

A chat with some of the locals!

These Roe Deer were about half a mile distant!

The "beach" at Bempton Pond

All images taken with Sony RX10 Mk4.

Thank you for looking.


Friday 28 July 2023

Bempton Cliffs Walk (Seabirds) - 28th July 2023


Kittiwake "Tarrock"

A walk to Bempton Cliffs this morning in varying levels of dullness, but a few bright periods and remaining very mild. The cliffs are now dominated by Kittiwakes and Gannets. I did see all three breeding Auk species but only a few Guillemots on the cliff ledges. Razorbills and Puffins could be seen in flight and within rafts on the sea. Those in flight towards the cliffs were carrying sand eels but very low down.


Not the best image - adult above, "Tarrock" below!


Fulmar chick


Gannets (All year 4 immature)

Gannets do not have "brood" pouches, but incubate their eggs with their very large, vascular feet!

Gannets with Gugas

All images taken with Sony RX10 Mk4.

Thank you for looking.

Bempton Cliffs Walk (Non-seabirds) - 28th July 2023


Barn Owl

A walk up to Bempton Cliffs this morning in varying levels of dullness, some bright periods, but very mild. I see what I see when I see it is still my motto and I don't think I do too badly 😇 !

Barn Owl, never close!


Meadow Pipit

Tree Sparrow

Common Red Soldier Beetles (aka "bonking" beetles, for reason seen here!)

White Tailed Bumble Bee

All images taken with Sony RX10 Mk4.

Thank you for looking.