Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Buckton Pond - 26th February 2019

Whooper Swan

Heather returned from a meeting in Reighton at lunchtime to inform me she had seen a Whooper Swan on Buckton pond! Not having seen one this year, I just had to pop down and see this beauty in all it's glory.

In glorious sunny, blue sky weather, my attention was also drawn to a Buzzard overhead (difficult to take images due to low branches around the pond)!

And in the water, frog spawn and frogs "frogging"!

Monday 25 February 2019

Bempton Cliffs - 24th February 2019


After a cool start, the sun soon warmed us up and blue sky enhanced the cliffs. A sea fret, however, was never far away and prevented views of nearby Filey and Flamborough North Landing. Birdind was best during the morning, with thousands of Guillemots and hundreds of Razorbills on the cliffs, in rafts on the sea and in flight. By early afternoon they had left the cliffs and only a few rafts remained on the sea. Kittiwakes were close in but remained in their circular rafts on the sea, calling loudly, but not making the ledges. Gannets and Fulmar numbers continue to increase. Regretfully, no Puffins were located today.

Todays Sightings:

Watching the Gannets cannot fail to impress

Watch out! There's a thief about! Stealing from the neighbours!

Who can resist a cheeky, cocky Jackdaw?

Coming home

I didn't expect to see a Seal actually on the cliffs!

The Seal is on a ledge. The sea is the blue area on right of image and the ledge is about 10mtrs above! Waiting for the next high tide.

And finally, some interacting Fulmars

Keep 'em peeled!

Friday 22 February 2019

A Fantabulous Morning around Bempton! - 22nd February 2019


Wow! What a fantabulous morning! Great weather and great birds! What could be better than walking Symphony around the Bempton circular walk? A misty start to the day which soon burned off giving rise to a very mild, sunny day with blue sky and only a light wind. I soon realised that I was well over dressed for the walk, but it is only late February!

Buckton Pond was rather quiet but was in a "reflective" mood as we checked it out!

Hoddy Cows Lane was again golden yellow with dozens of Yellowhammers taking up territory in the hedgerows. A great start!

Robins belted out their songs

With Dunnocks a close second!

Close to the ringing area on Buckton Cliffs, the seed eaters increased in numbers with Skylarks, Reed Buntings, Yellowhammers, Tree Sparrows, Goldfinches and Corn Buntings. Overhead, Pink Footed Geese headed north.

Arriving on the cliff top path good numbers of Gannets and Fulmars were immediately obvious, but then the sound of "guttural growling" further indicated an Auk day! Scanning the Guillemots on the ledges (numbering 10000+) similar blacker birds were present - yes the Razorbills (100+) had arrived! My first opportunity to photograph them this year, many still sported winter plumage!

Guillemots were the most numerous birds today with 10,000+

Including Bridled Guillemots



I'm pretty sure that the Fulmar on the left is female!!!

Also on the sea were circular rafts of Kittiwakes, probably about one hundred, but none on the cliffs …..yet!

In the sunshine, Shags took on their green / black sheen and are looking resplendent with their breeding crests.

So far, it has been excellent birding BUT I have left the best till last! With two of the three breeding Auk species on the ledges, in flight and on the sea, is it possible that an early Puffin would be found? I scanned the rafts but nothing. On Grandstand viewpoint, I scanned the ledges, then...……

A winter plumaged Puffin, on the cliffs, in February! How lucky is that?

And an image of all three breeding Auks on the cliffs!

Final bird of the day was one of the Barn Owls, hunting at the top of Cliff Lane.

So, what a great day! I have now seen the famous Bempton eight breeding birds (Shag, Fulmar, Kittiwake, Gannet, Herring Gull, Guillemot, Razorbill, and Puffin) and as I said it is only 22nd February!