Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Hunstanton Cliffs - 29th July 2014


Today was planned as a family day at the seaside so we headed off to Hunstanton. This of course meant doing the compulsory stroll along the prom, a browsing session in the small retail therapy area and finally, a walk under the cliffs.

Didn't we have a lovely time, the day we went to....."Sunny Hunny"!

The cliffs are always my favourite part of Hunstanton, which also coincides with the only area of beach that allows dogs. Now, I couldn't not take one of my birding cameras, so the Canon 100-400mm with 7D was placed in a covert camera bag, and had to be released for a brief airing!

Cross on the cliffs

Spiritual Guidance?

I love Fulmars and although not great in numbers, those present provided photographic opportunities!

Great Black Backed Gull

Common Gull

....And YES - I did know a Spotted Crake was showing at Titchwell!

Thursday 24 July 2014

"If you go down to the woods today...." - 23rd July 2014

Silver-Washed Fritillary

Really pleased to see two species of Butterfly that I had not seen before - the Silver-Washed Fritillary and the White Admiral Butterfly!

Silver-Washed Fritillary

White Admiral Butterfly

"If you go down to the woods today...." - 23rd July 2014

Banded Demoiselle

...and I though Butterflies were difficult! While Ian and I were wandering Ryton Woods, officially looking for Butterflies, but secretly hoping we would stumble across a teddy bears picnic, we could not resist attempting some images of Damselflies and Dragon Flies! Some help on the ID would be welcome! Scouring the books did not help that much! Many thanks to Bob H for assistance in identifying the Common Darter for me!

Banded Demoiselle

Common Blue Damselfly (?)

Common Darter

"If you go down to the woods today....." - 23rd July 2014

Peacock Butterfly

Something different today with Ian and myself heading out to Ryton Woods in search of Butterflies. This is something that I know little about and struggle to identify, so a steep learning curve! It is amazing how fast these creatures move making it difficult for me to lock on! If I have mis-identified any or have put a (?) name, I am willing to receive assistance! It was a very relaxing morning and one I hope to repeat fairly soon. Next time, though, I will take along a few teddy bears in order to fulfil requirements to host a special picnic!

Peacock Butterfly

Speckled Wood Butterfly

Meadow Brown Butterfly

Ringlet Butterfly

Green Veined White (?) Butterfly

Gatekeeper Butterfly