Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Minsmere - Bittern - 26th June 2014

It can be difficult to locate Bitterns in the extensive reed beds at Minsmere, but today we were to be lucky, very lucky! I think we saw more Bitterns in one day than we have seen in our lifetime! One even sat on the top of the reeds, openly preening for about TWO hours! This post is dedicated to the Bitterns success at Minsmere. Indeed, a Bittern fest!

Oh! - and a Grey Heron!

On Dunwich Heath - 26th June 2014

Dartford Warbler

Dunwich Heath in Suffolk is one of the ideal locations for Dartford Warbler. Well, these fantastic birds led me a merry dance! Initially, they were distant and refused to oblige for a photo call, so a return visit was necessary. Even the Stonechats were being difficult! However, patience eventually paid dividends!


Dartford Warbler

Minsmere - Over the Reeds - Marsh Harrier - 26th June 2014

These majestic raptors need no real narrative! A family group of four entertained us with food passes, something that I failed to capture!

Minsmere - In the Reeds - Bearded Tit - 25th June 2014


Sitting in the hide overlooking the Island Mere at Minsmere, the "pinging" call of Bearded Tits was heard, but spotting them was a challenge, getting images was an even greater challenge! Luckily, I managed to get onto a family party which showed near the top of the reeds for about ten seconds!

"Normal" view!


Minsmere - On the Scrape - 25th June 2014

Black Tailed Godwit with Spotted Redshank "chilling"!

Minsmere RSPB in Suffolk is a fantastic reserve even though it is very popular, moreso since the recent Springwatch. This time of year is very quiet in the birding calendar but anything can turn up - unfortunately it didn't while we were there! The scrape held the expected waders - really pleasing to see c9 summer plumaged Spotted Redshanks.

Spotted Redshank


Little Egret

Ringed Plover

Common Redshank

...with Ringed Plover

A bird of cliffs, the Kittiwake (below) would not be expected to be present on the scrape but thanks to the Sizewell power station towers, they have adapted!

Little Gull