Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Monday 12 August 2024

Tophill Low - 12th August 2024


Common Snipe

A "quiet" morning at Tophill Low this morning, mainly due to the fact that I had forgotten my hearing aids! I arrived at about 0530hrs and spent 4hours visiting all of the hides except Hempholme. Only met two people in total! I spent most of the time at South Marsh East where wader numbers were increasing, including Black-tailed Godwits 2 (my first of the year); Greenshanks 4; at least 12 Green Sandpipers; at least 5 Common Sandpipers; at least 8 Common Snipe and 1 Redshank. Biggest problems for me this morning was distance of the birds and the position of the Sun!

Common Snipe


Green Sandpiper

Black-tailed Godwits


Grey Lag Geese

Roe Deer Buck

Little Egret

Common Sandpipers

Common & Green Sandpipers

Grey Heron and Little Egrets


Thank you for looking.

All images taken with Sony RX10 Mk4.