Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Friday 11 February 2022

Bempton Cliffs Walk - 11th February 2022


Short-eared Owl

A late morning walk up to Bempton Cliffs due to waiting for a boiler repair. With no heating or hot water for three days, this had to be the priority and thankfully all was sorted by 1000hrs. What a glorious day weather wise, blue sky and sunshine but remaining cool, unless you could hide away in a sun trap!

This rather tatty Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly had found that "sun trap"!

A lot of work was being carried out on the reserve, Bartlett Nab viewpoint was close to enable path repair work and new paths were being made up near the visitor centre. Birds were rather scarce and remaining (very) distant!



Short-eared Owl

And finally, some cheery Snowdrops

All images taken handheld with Sony RX10 Mk4.

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