Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

WMBC Ladywalk Reserve

It must be over a year since I have visited Ladywalk, Coleshill so I decided this would be my destination for today. However, this would depend on a little investigation of the fields around Stretton under Fosse, where a report of a "possible" Common Crane had been made. I decided to drive past on the M6, quickly scan the fields and if a potential Crane was seen, I would abort my journey and walk the footpaths from Stretton under Fosse. When I arrived in the area, I slowed a little and cast a glance into the fields below the M6, where I spotted two large grey birds. Unfortunately, they were not Cranes but Emu / Ostrich species, probably farmed nearby. Ah well, on to Ladywalk.


Arriving at Ladywalk, and negotiating the codes for the new gate, I decided to walk the new perimeter path, in a clockwise direction. Nothing too exciting but it was nice to hear the varied birdsong after the bleak days of winter. Spring is arriving fast! The car park feeders held several Lesser Redpolls with at least thirteen at the Sainsbury Hide feeders, together with one male Brambling, one Willow Tit, and a persistant male Sparrowhawk flying through three times and scattering the various finches and buntings on the feeders. The water held the expected waterfowl with at least fifteen Goosander and a sleepy pair of Pintail and a solitary Oystercatcher called from the islands. The river had several more Goosander and a single Grey Wagtail. A distant Buzzard circled over Coleshill and as I locked the gate a Peregrine flew over. In all, a pleasant if dull morning with a cooling breeze.

I'm not happy! They're MY nuts!



Grey Wagtail

Grey Wagtail


Great Spotted Woodpecker

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Todays Sightings:

Carrion Crow; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Blackbird; Goldfinch; Lesser Redpoll; Bullfinch; Reed Bunting; Wood Pigeon; Dunnock; Chaffinch; Magpie; Robin; Grey Heron; Wren; Coot; Mallard; Gadwall; Long Tailed Tit; Song Thrush; Pheasant; Willow Tit; Canada Goose; Tufted Duck; Cormorant; Lapwing; Shoveler; Moorhen; Wigeon; Teal; Mute Swan; Jackdaw; Great Crested Grebe; Rook; Dabchick; Pochard; Oystercatcher; Goosander; Black Headed Gull; Kestrel; Pied Wagtail; Pintail; LBB Gull; Grey Wagtail; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Greenfinch; Brambling; Sparrowhak; Peregrine; Buzzard.


  1. Yes, Mike its a great reserve that I should go to more regularly! Looking on the Tame Valley website, I missed on some good birds!

  2. Very nice blog and pictures! I will keep my eye on it from time to time.

    Check out my new birding blog:

  3. Cheers Kah-Wai. I am following your blog with interest. Super images!
