Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Thursday 26 November 2009

New to me Camera

Male Blackcap (like me - always kept in the dark!)

Today, I struck a deal with Max (S) to purchase his Canon 30D camera to replace my 400D. A few test shots in his garden resulted in the capture of this male Blackcap. Unfortunately, not yet being familiar with the 30D the image is not as good as I would have liked! So, despite being male, it is now my intention to sit down and READ THE MANUAL! Hopefully, things may improve! Watch this space but don't hold your breath!


  1. Good luck with your new camera, Kevin. And reading instructions be careful.

  2. Cheers, Dave. Trouble is I rarely understand instructions................!!!

  3. Good luck Kev - so are you a photographer or a birder lol - I was a birder on Sunday, We went to the long mynd to spot a merlin,when I saw how steep it was, the camera stayed in the mini bus, 50 mph winds and loads of rain. Half way up 4 or 5 decided they could not go any further and went back down the rest of us carried on struggling. Once up the top we had a call to say that the merlin was at the bottom (we missed it)so not sure now if I am a birder, photographer or just a bloody idiot lol

  4. Cheers, Col. Jury is still out on being a birder or a photographer! I think the latter will have to wait until I can afford some big lenses. Sounds as though you had a "challenging" day at the Mynd! Bad luck on the Merlin - you can sometimes get views at Draycote.

  5. Kevin I failed again yesterday to get a shot of either of the Blackcaps in my garden and you come for 5 minutes and get some shots!!!!!

  6. Just luck, Max. I will say, though, that I perhaps would not have got the shot with my 400D as the 30D seemed much faster. Not had much chance of trying it out in the field yet.
