Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Brandon in the (heavy) rain

Well, what a morning! Unfortunately with limited time to get out birding at the moment, when a window of opportunity has opened, but the view is of heavy rain and strong winds, the decision is to stay put or brave the elements. Today, I chose the latter and ventured to Brandon knowing that I could shelter in the hides.

Arriving in semi darkness at 0750, I donned all of my wet weather gear, scope and bins but decided my camera would be of little use (I was right!). I headed direct to the East Marsh Hide where a number of the volunteer conservation team were already in residence (and some were in a sociable mind!). Here I stayed with only a brief visit into Teal Pool hide and a final wet walk back around Newlands. Departing at 1100 I was surprised to have amassed 46 bird species.

East Marsh pool had all of the usual wildfowl and in good numbers. Three Goldeneye  (1m 2f) stayed around the tern rafts and a (? feral) Barnacle Goose accompanied theCanada Geese. A lone Redshank flew from Teal Pool direction onto Willow Island where a lone Greenshank was also discovered. These were later relocated on River Pool (viewed from Teal Pool hide). A Buzzard appeared over East Marsh Pool setting up most of the birds. Snipe numbers were probably in excess of 12.

Ironically, as I arrived home, the rain has eased and the sky is brightening. Maybe this is a message?

Todays Sightings:

Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Blackbird; Magpie; Mallard; Teal; Tufted Duck; Shoveler; Goldeneye; Wigeon; Cormorant; BH Gull; Snipe; Redshank; Canada Goose; Barnacle Goose; Cettis Warbler; Pied Wagtail; Grey Heron; Wigeon; Moorhen; Coot; Mute Swan; Gadwall; Lapwing; Starling; Gt Cr Grebe; Pochard; Buzzard; LBB Gull; Common Gull; Greenshank; Fieldfare; Green Sandpiper; Robin; Jay; Bullfinch; Dunnock; Gt Tit; Blue Tit; Long Tailed Tit; Redwing; Kestrel; Green Woodpecker; Skylark; Meadow Pipit.

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