Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Daventry Country Park

Full Steam Ahead - Mute Swan

Bombs Away Coot - Black Headed Gull

Coot AGM

Black Headed Gull

Mind out Coot I'm Coming In - Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull

Black Headed Gull

(More boring images on my website - link opposite)

On a very blustery morning with the threat of heavy rain, I popped into Daventry Country Park while Abigail was at her music classes.

If I am honest, I hate Country Parks, more so those in close proximity to Towns. Most of the people using them have no interest in the wildlife around them. They are glorified dog walks, with owners allowing their beasts free range and no consideration for others. Dogs running off leads, in and out of the water fetching sticks and frisbies thrown by their owners, sending up all the wildfowl in the process, messing and not being cleaned up, running towards you and jumping up, much to the joy of the owner. If you do not have a dog with you, you are regarded as strange. Add to this uncontrolled offspring and fast moving cyclists and you have Daventry! Oh, and what about the local ASBO sorry community pay back teams? One circuit of the perimeter with litter picking sticks in hand but not being observed as to using them, and tea & coffee at the start and finish? punishment indeed! Todays rant over!

 Of interest were two Shelduck; two Ruddy Duck; a drake Goosander; one Green Sandpiper; one Yellow Legged Gull and a low flying Buzzard that kept putting everything up!

I just made it back to the car before the heavy rain descended, thankful that I did not choose to walk the perimeter.

Todays Sightings:

Robin; Goldfinch; Wren; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Blue Tit; Great Tit; BH Gull; Blackbird; Mallard; Canada Goose; Shoveler; Wigeon; Coot; Tufted Duck; Mute Swan; Gt Cr Grebe; Cormorant; Lapwing; Green Woodpecker; Grey Heron; Moorhen; Pochard; LBB Gull; Herring Gull; Teal; Pied Wagtail; Common Gull; Shelduck; Yellow Legged Gull; Dabchick; Ruddy Duck; Treecreeper; Green Sandpiper; Gadwall; Goosander (Drake); Gt Sp Woodpecker; Buzzard; Magpie; Dunnock; Jackdaw.


  1. i suppose it days like this Kev that you wished you were the seagull and messing on whoever or whatever

  2. Desperate, Col - really desperate in finding something to photograph! I hate November with its dull, wet, short days. I suppose the common birds allow practice with settings but I do not seem to be improving!
