Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Friday 28 August 2009

Draycote Water





I arrived at Draycote at 0700 and opted to walk the perimeter, completing at 1115. It looked bright and sunny as I started but the "breeze" was somewhat cooling! Amassed 44 bird species.
The bushes in the car park produced three Willow Warbler with a further seven being observed around the reservoir. Three Chiffchaff were seen and heard. Farborough Bank was active with eight Yellow Wagtail, with another three on Hensborough Bank. Three juvenile Wheatear joined the Wagtails on Farborough Bank. A lone Ringed Plover stood at the end of Farborough Bank with a single Little Ringed Plover (Juv) in Toft Shallows. Overhead, at least thirty Sand Martin were feeding with hundreds of House Martin and at least twent Swallow's. Two Common Sandpiper were spotted in Toft Shallows and three more in Biggin Bay. Four Blackcap (3m, 1f) were seen in the hedgerows behind Toft Shallows.The female / imm Goosander was located asleep near the Valve Tower.
It was pleasing that only a handful of fishermen were active on the banks and three boats on the water. Some sailing and wind surfing was starting as I completed my walk. Worst problem today were the cyclists who seemed to be travelling at very high speeds, silent and no warnings of approach. With their approach masked by the strong breeze, a number nearly had me on their bars as a mascot!!!
Today's Sightings:
Wood Pigeon; Goldfinch; Carrion Crow; Wren; Magpie; Blue Tit; Chaffinch; Willow Warbler; House Martin; Blackbird; Great Tit; Coot; BH Gull; Mute Swan; Pied Wagtail; Mallard; Cormorant; Gt Cr Grebe; Tufted Duck; LBB Gull; Chiffchaff; Green Woodpecker; Herring Gull; Starling; Yellow Wagtail; Wheatear; Sand Martin; Swallow; Lapwing; Ringed Plover; Dabchick; Robin; Grey Heron; Moorhen; Common Sandpiper; Teal; Little Ringed Plover; Song Thrush; Greenfinch; Blackcap; Rook; Goosander; Kestrel; Gadwall,


  1. Wow thats some birds I think when I come back off hols I am going to pay this place a visit

  2. Hi Col, Draycote is a great place but due to its size, takes some searching to find the more interesting birds. Well worth the effort, though and you will not regret it.
