Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Monday 26 September 2011

Wells Woods, Holkham and Wells Marshes 23rd September 2011

Pink Footed Geese - Holkham

Having met Max Silverman at Cley yesterday, and neither of us having a great time finding interesting birds, we took a decision to meet at Wells Woods this morning. Arriving earlier than Max, I took a walk towards the dell. I could hear the call of a Yellow Browed Warbler in the pines but could not locate it. This would have been a life tick but as I was unable to relocate it, I will have to wait. Meeting Max in the carpark, we decided to walk back to the dell, and, NOTHING was found apart from common woodland species and I had to satisfy myself by taking images of a Robin! On return to our cars, poor Max had a sinister looking yellow sticker on his windscreen - a fine for non display of his ticket! Max's ticket had fallen off his screen and rather than suffer a £50 fine, he went in search of the attendant. Luck was on his side and the matter was sorted out. Interestingly, the car park attendent lived just down the road from me in Hillmorton for a number of years!

A quick look out to the distant sea produced a number of previously seen waders. Max decided to move on to Cley, and I headed to Lady Annes Drive at Holkham. Again very quiet with little little to see in my walk, other than the increasing numbers of Pink Footed Geese.

Now, you cannot be in the area of Wells without visiting French's fish and chip shop. It was a little early for tea, so I walked the coast path towards Stifkey (building up my appetite!). Again not a lot about with Redshank, Little Egret, Turnstone, Black Tailed Godwit, Grey Plover, Greenshank, Curlew and Whimbrel being seen, but again, not close. My fish and chips were excellent!


Pink Footed Geese


Red Admiral Butterfly


Little Egret




  1. Hi Kevin no rarities but some cracking shots very jealous of the Whimbrel never seen one. Love the blog Kath Everitt

  2. Cheers, Kath. Hope you get Whimbrel very soon. Norfolk without rarities is unheard of!

  3. Nice report Kevin although the references to my car park ticket bought back bad memories.

  4. LoL Max! It was the only "exciting" part of the day! Glad it was sorted. When I arrived at the harbour car park in Wells (£4 day rate), I was given a ticket by a leaving driver, was able to take their space, and it meant most of my meal paid for!

  5. I have taken full note of the Fish and Chip shot details , in Norfolk this weekend. Earlier in the year I bumbedinto to Max about 7.00 am at Cley . Another super series of shots

  6. Have a great time in Norfolk, Andrew. Make sure it is French's Fish and Chips even if there is a queue! Nothing like sitting on the harbour wall eating them.
