Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Sunday 25 September 2011

North Norfolk 19th - 25th September 2011

The "horrendous" Parinder Hide "structure"!

Probably more suited to the set of "Guns of Navarone"!

Well, its been over twelve months since i've been over to Norfolk and a weeks break was well overdue. Leading up to my break, some very good birds were being located and observed (Little Bittern, Citrine Wagtail, Buff Breasted Sandpiper, Cattle Egret etc etc). I was very hopeful, but the strong westerly winds soon made me realise that my week would be a struggle. A struggle indeed! It was dire and even the common species had to be worked hard for. It was also very difficult to get any good images due to light conditions and distance from the lens. Best bird would have been the late discovery of an Arctic Warbler on Saturday at Burnham Overy Dunes. Unfortunately, the text alert did not come through until well after 1700, and by the time I had travelled, it would have been very poor light. With a clear night, I did not expect it to be present on Sunday morning - indeed reports were negative.

I was staying at the Crossways Camp site at Little Snoring which meant I could get to all of the north Norfolk coast within half an hour, but the text alerts were silent. How desperate was I? On two mornings at daybreak, I was wandering the campsite in my pyjamas seeking out the Tawny Owls I could hear!

Still, I managed to see 110 bird species, not bad, but I can usually see over eighty on a day trip to Titchwell!

Anyway, it was good to meet up with Di Stone and Max Silverman on a couple of occasions.

To start my account of the week, I list below the birds seen. Once i've sorted out my images, I will give a daily account.


Red Throated Diver; Great Crested Grebe; Dabchick; Gannet; Cormorant; Little Egret; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Canada Goose; Egyptian Goose; Grey Lag Goose; Pink Footed Goose; Barnacle Goose; Brent Goose; Shelduck; Wigeon; Mallard; Gadwall; Shoveler; Pintail; Teal; Tufted Duck; Marsh Harrier; Sparrowhawk; Buzzard; Hobby; Kestrel; Peregrine; Pheasant; Red Legged Partridge; Grey Partridge; Water Rail; Coot; Moorhen; Avocet; Oystercatcher; Ringed Plover; Sanderling; Dunlin; Curlew Sandpiper; Turnstone; Knot; Green Sandpiper; Redshank; Greenshank; Spotted Redshank; Ruff; Bar Tailed Godwit; Black Tailed Godwit; Golden Plover; Grey Plover; Lapwing; Whimbrel; Curlew; Arctic Skua; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull; Herring Gull; GBB Gull; LBB Gull; Common Tern; Sandwich Tern; Guillemot; Stock Dove; Wood Pigeon; Collared Dove; Turtle Dove; Tawny Owl; Little Owl; Green Woodpecker; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Sand Martin; Swallow; House Martin; Meadow Pipit; Yellow Wagtail; Pied Wagtail; White Wagtail; Dunnock; Wren; Robin; Wheatear; Blackbird; Mistle Thrush; Cettis Warbler; Chiffchaff; Whitethroat; Blackcap; Goldcrest; Long Tailed Tit; Coal Tit; Great Tit; Blue Tit; Starling; Jay; Magpie; Jackdaw; Carrion Crow; Rook; House Sparrow; Chaffinch; Greenfinch; Goldfinch; Linnet; Yellowhammer; Reed Bunting; Common Scoter; Long Tailed Duck; Little Stint; Spoonbill. (Red Kite near Oundle).


  1. I don't know how you find the time Kevin.

  2. Annual leave booked a year ago, Mike! Pity I didn't make it a week earlier!

  3. Nice to have met up with you in Norfolk Kevin pity there were no decent birds about.Like the Skua pics.

  4. Cheers, Max nice to see you. Disappointed bird wise but enjoyed the Norfolk air!

  5. A great set of posts from your trip. And you managed some cracking shots, despite the alleged lack of birds!

  6. Cheers, Pete. All the expected species but would have liked a few life ticks! Wryneck would have been nice.
