Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Draycote Water

Frosty Fisherman - Grey Heron

Festive Robin

Lesser Redpoll

Lesser Redpoll

Lesser Redpoll

Long Tailed Tit






Distant Buzzard


Reflections - Mute Swan

Goldeneye Exercises

Goldeneye Exercises

(More images on my Website - see link opposite)

Today dawned crisp, dry and sunny so I headed for Draycote arriving at 0830 and amassing 52 bird species before leaving at 1300. The water, for a change, was calm and "mirror" like, meaning that if a feather was on the surface, you would see it!

Walking anti-clockwise, all the usual duck species were soon located and distant views of a Great Northern Diver was the best I would get. The trees near Lincroft Point held a good group of 20+ Lesser Redpoll but interestingly, no Siskin. Goosander between the Valve Tower and the Inlet numbered seven male and ten female, with possibly more. The drake Smew was located off Draycote Bank and came closer than on previous visits, at one point within 30yards. Three female Common Scoter were together off the Inlet, close to buoy Y.

This will be my final birding trip before Christmas as I am required to work over the festive period.

May I wish you all a very Happy and safe Christmas.

Todays Sightings:

Magpie; BH Gull; Chaffinch; Rook; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Robin; Wren; Jackdaw; Gt Tit; Goldfinch; Blackbird; LBB Gull; Cormorant; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Gt Cr Grebe; Grey Heron; Coot; Canada Goose; GBB Gull; Pied Wagtail; Lapwing; Goldeneye; Dabchick; Common Gull; Great Northern Diver; Mute Swan; Gadwall; Starling; Wigeon; Goosander; Teal; Shoveler; Grey Lag Goose; Moorhen; Kestrel; Meadow Pipit; Dunnock; Blue Tit; Redwing; Bullfinch; Lesser Redpoll; LT Tit; Fieldfare; Green Woodpecker; Smew; Pochard; Herring Gull; Buzzard; Common Scoter; Gt Sp Woodpecker.


  1. Merry christmas Kev - hope you dont get busy.
    I must say that I have enjoyed all your post since I started in this hobby and your pics and write ups have really inspired me - Thanks
    ps you've cost me about three grand over the last few months (but its been worth it)

  2. Have a good Christmas, Col. Thanks for your comments - they are very much appreciated. How come I have cost you three grand? I assume this is equipment? Mine is all second hand with change out of one grand!!!

  3. Great Smew shots Kevin.It's a cracking bird.I'd love to get it in close.

  4. Cheers, Max. The Smew was quite distant when I arrived on Draycote Bank. Patience won the day and it eventually came in close. However, after the pics I took, it went to sleep!

  5. Though I'm no expert on redpolls I just thought I'd mention that your last redpoll photo looks rather like a mealy: pale fringes to wing feathers, pale rump and pale shawl around neck. Certainly it's much paler than the other photos. Perhaps someone more knowledgable might care to comment

  6. You have a good point, Adam, thank you. I am no expert either so I have posted on Bird Forum for further clarification. The birds were predominantly Lesser Redpoll.
