Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Coombe Abbey

The sun was shining this morning so I decided to visit the bird hide at Coombe Abbey and continue my battle getting to grips with my 30D settings. I did not do very well (again). I had not visited Coombe for over six months and arriving in the car park, I soon noted the increase in parking fees, now standing at £3.20. Walking to the hide, I realised that the sun would be shining directly at the hide, resulting in most shots being over exposed and when the sun eventually hid behind the building clouds, I was having to increase the ISO. The bird table has gone with seed and suet now being placed in and on the trees and fallen branches making images a little more natural. I had the luxury of the hide to myself. The brightness and glare made the waterfowl difficult to observe.

To end my morning, I walked around the back route to the old toilet area and around the ponds in the hope of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Imagine my dismay, when nearly home, a text message from RBA informs me that a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker had been seen in this area at 1030.

I am not sure what happened, but when I got home and downloaded my images onto the computer, I had lost some. Missing were those of Dunnock, Blackbird and Coal Tit to name a few. Ahhh well - who said photography was easy???

Black Headed Gulls


Blue Tit


Bank Vole

Great Tit

Marsh Tit

Marsh Tit

Marsh Tit


(More boring images on my website - see link opposite)

Today's Sightings:

Gt Cr Grebe; Dabchick; Cormorant; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Canada Goose; Grey Lag Goose; Wigeon; Mallard; Gadwall; Teal; Pochard; Tufted Duck; Kestrel; Buzzard; Pheasant; Water Rail (Heard); Coot; Moorhen; BH Gull; Stock Dove; Wood Pigeon; Kingfisher; Green Woodpecker; Gt Sp Woodpecker; Grey Wagtail; Dunnock; Wren; Robin; Blackbird; Redwing; Fieldfare; Mistle Thrush; Cettis Warbler; Blackcap (f); LT Tit; Marsh Tit / Willow Tit; Coal Tit; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Treecreeper; Nuthatch; Starling; Jay; Magpie; Jackdaw; Rook; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Siskin; Bullfinch; Lesser Redpoll; Minke Whale.


  1. marsh tit,by lack of pale wing bar,small chin patch and glossy black cap
    dont know about the mammel

  2. Cheers, MB. I thought Marsh Tit but I still can't get them right! I posted a pic of the mammal on Bird Forum and the replies indicate Bank Vole.
