Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Brandon Marsh

Fickle Sun over East Marsh

Wednesday is now officially my main birding day and I headed to Brandon Marsh in the hope of a few Spring migrants. I was not to be disappointed with the hedgerows providing singing posts for Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps and Willow Warblers. As far as I am concerned, Spring is now here, but today the sunshine was to be rather fickle!

Fickle Sun over East Marsh

The first of the songsters I came across was a male Blackcap, one of at least six around the reserve.


Always in the background was the Chiffchaff but also, the fantastic song of the Willow Warbler was beginning to break through. At least six were singing around the reserve but getting an image was not happening for me today! However, the Chiffchaff was slightly more obliging!


The East Marsh Pool was quite quiet but did hold two Oystercatcher, four Redshank, three Snipe, a pair of Wigeon, one Shelduck and at least nine Sand Martins. A single Ringed Plover was on Tern Island and a flyby Kingfisher called loudly.

Great Crested Grebe

An early brood of at least eight Mallard chicks had taken to the water but preferred to stay close in on the dark bank!


Later in the day, a Swallow was reported on East Marsh Pool!

Todays Sightings:

Carrion Crow; Song Thrush; Rook; Grey Heron; Wood Pigeon; Robin; GreyLag Goose; Chiffchaff; Green Woodpecker; Magpie; Dunnock; Jackdaw; Wren; Pheasant; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Canada Goose; Coot; Stock Dove; Linnet; Bullfinch; Great Tit; Blackcap; Mute Swan; Blue Tit; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Redshank; Lapwing; Shoveler; Oystercatcher; Black Headed Gull; Common Gull; Cormorant; Snipe; Teal; Wigeon; Sand Martin; Kingfisher; Blackbird; Great Crested Grebe; Moorhen; Water Rail; Reed Bunting; Long Tailed Tit; LBB Gull; Gadwall; Cettis Warbler; Willow Warbler; Shelduck; Dabchick; Buzzard; Chaffinch; Nuthatch; Ringed Plover; Pied Wagtail.


  1. Beautiful photos as always.

    A swallow and sand martins back already! That is good news. We don`t expect our resident swallows back until around 20th April.

  2. Thank you. It's all happening! Just heard that Sandwich Tern was also seen this afternoon!

  3. Cracking set of images Kevin. Love the Blackcap especially.

    No sign of Willow Warblers here yet. Just a matter of time.

  4. Thanks Keith, it was a good morning. Spring is arriving very quickly!

  5. Great Crested Grebe, Beautiful.25
