Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Monday 3 January 2011

Waxwings - My Continuing Quest!

Some of the Waxwing Group

My quest for Waxwings continues! Having had a good morning at Draycote, I decided to return to Newbold Road in Rugby in the hope of getting some better images. The birds here are quite nervous and take to flight at the least movement away from the road. However, I was pleased to locate at least 60 birds before the took flight over the nearby factory. These birds were not in a photogenic mood!

Remembering that Waxwings had also been seen in Bilton at May Lane / Addison Road, I took a look, but nothing. Another report was of a large group on Lawford Lane near Acorn Close in Bilton.


What a fantastic sight and sound show they put on. At least 150 Waxwing feeding on the copious berry trees along the "old" Lawford Lane. The calls from such a large number of birds was out of this world. It was such a fantastic sight that the local residents came out to view, video, photograph and ask questions about the Waxwings origin.

(More images can be seen on my website - see link opposite)


  1. Happy New Year, Kevin.
    Great shots of the Waxwings, especially the one showing the back view. Could you possibly give me a grid reference for the "old" Lawford Lane as I'm not very familiar with Rugby?

  2. Happy New Year Alan and thanks for your cooment. Grid ref is approx 476745. You need to be in the vicinity of the Bear PH. Find the "old" Lawford Lane at the back of the houses, Here there are plenty of garden berry bushes. Good Luck.

    Alan, can you send me your mobile no to ? I can then add you to my local birders contact list.

  3. Thanks for the grid reference Kevin.

    I couldn’t help noticing some of the street names off Bilton Lane on my map, eg Rowan Drive, Hawthorn Way, Elder Close – very appropriate with Waxwings in the vicinity!

