Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Pink Footed Goose & Bewicks Swan

Today was not intended to be a birding day, but with texts from Richard & John reporting a Pink Footed Goose near Bretford with the Grey Lag Geese, it would have been rude not to go! Pink Footed Goose was a first for me in Warwickshire, so well pleased! While in the area, a quick trip to the other side of the river to view the Bewicks Swan, in with the Mute Swans.

Pink Footed Goose

Bewicks Swan

(More images on my website - see link opposite)


  1. Nice shot of Pink-Footed! Our path's must have crossed at some stage today!!

  2. Possibly, Keith! I did not see any other birders at either bird today.

  3. More great stuff in your last two posts.
