Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Monday 3 January 2011

New Year Birding

Today was my first real opportunity to get out since before Christmas, (hopefully) see some good birds and get my 2011 list off to a good start.

Heading out of Rugby on the A428, the first surprise was a Little Egret on the brook at Long Lawford. My intended next stop was Church Lawford where a Bewicks Swan had been reported with the large group of Mute Swans. The Bewicks Swan was soon located but distant, the next surprise being a Peregrine setting up a large group of Wigeon. A chat with John Judge and it was off to Draycote Water.

Draycote was rather busy when I arrived at just after 0900 - I then remembered it was a Bank Holiday! I walked to Toft and  back meeting Francoise who was as spritely as ever! The Drake Smew was off Farborough Bank and at least thirty Goosander were seen. A Yellow Legged Gull was located in Toft with Lesser Black Backed, Common and Black Headed Gulls. The Little Owl was located in the Alpaca field and a single Snipe flew over towards the fields below Farborough Bank.

A good tally of birds to add to my 2011 list - but the best was yet to come! (See later posting).

Female Goldeneye

Drake Smew



Drake Teal

Lunch - Carrion Crow

(More images on my website - see link opposite)

Todays Draycote Sightings:

Magpie; Carrion Crow; Wood Pigeon; Blackbird; Chaffinch; Jackdaw;Coot; Goldeneye; Pochard; Cormorant; Dabchick; Tufted Duck; Goosander; Smew; Mallard; Mute Swan; Great Crested Grebe; Wigeon; LBB Gull; GBB Gull; Black Headed Gull; Canada Goose; Fieldfare; Rook; Teal; Pied Wagtail; Common Gull; Lapwing; Graet Tit; Snipe; Grey Heron; Gadwall; Stock Dove; Yellow Legged Gull; Dunnock; Blue Tit; Kestrel; Robin; Little Owl; Moorhen; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Redwing; Grey Lag Goose; Goldfinch.

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