I am deep in thought at the moment, seriously considering the future of my blog and my birding. I seem to have acquired the knack of seeing very few birds, and mis-identifying some of those I do see. For the moment, my posts will be very general and based on my walks around Bempton, the cliffs and any excursions I choose to make.
Today I walked (with Symphony) from Bempton to the cliffs and back, but slightly later than normal. The morning had a cool autumnal feel to it but lacked the promised sunshine (what's new!). I have and will take images of anything that captures my attention.
Trying to capture an "autumnal" feel!
On the cliffs, there has been a clear out of seabirds. Very few Gannets remain on the ledges and there are fewer in flight or on the sea. I only spotted one Gannet still servicing its Guga, (ready to fledge) from Bartlett Nab. I didn't see any Fulmars.
Gannet with Guga