Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

A Request!

I have been using the PhotoShop Elements 2 for several years and now thinking of investing in Elements 9. I am wondering if anyone can recommend an EASY to understand book explaining Elements 9? I struggle with online instructions. Many thanks.


  1. I also like to watch videos myself have you tried youyube for how to tuorials :)

  2. Hi Dave - yes, youtube is very good for specifics. What i'm looking for is a book/manual that explains stage by stage what to do, that I can look at when photoshop is open.

  3. Hi Kevin,
    If you have managed Elements 2 for several years you should not have much trouble grasping 9. I started in elements and now use photoshop 7 and had no bothers picking it up even with my advancing years.

  4. Hope for me yet then Mike? I must admit that even elements 2 had a lot more to it than I used! Going to give an upgrade a whirl - watch this space (eventually)!!!
