Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Draycote Water this morning

Well, Draycote Water has been producing some very good birds this week BUT where were they today? Arriving at 0630, with limited time, I walked from Thurlaston to Farborough Spit hoping that something "special" would be found. Alas, there was no sign of the Red Breasted Merganser in its favourite areas - moved on? moved to another part of the water? time will tell and i've no time to search this morning!

It was one of those days when nothing was in the range of my lens (a sort of "Max" day!!!).

Two Oystercatchers were very mobile along the bank but not realling settling. Farborough Spit had one Ringed Plover, two Little Ringed Plover, two Dunlin and a flyby of three Common Sandpipers. At least six Yellow Wagtails were along the bank near the fishing pontoons. The only gull of note was a Yellow Legged Gull on one of the bouys and a Greater Blackbacked Gull on another. It was also nice to see two Dabchicks in Toft Bay - i've seen very few this year at Draycote!

With very little else to view, I will bore you with two more images of the Oystercatchers!

Todays Sightings:

Starling; Wood Pigeon; House Martin; Blackbird; Green Woodpecker; Black Headed Gull; LBB Gull; Great Tit; Robin; Wren; Coot; Mallard; Rook; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Blue Tit; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Moorhen; Tufted Duck; Dabchick; Great Crested Grebe; Oystercatcher; Stock Dove; Pied Wagtail; Kestrel; Dunlin; Little Ringed Plover; Jackdaw; Yellow Wagtail; Willow Warbler; Cormorant; Canada Goose; GBB Gull; Common Sandpiper; Ringed Plover; Teal; Swallow; Lapwing; Swift; Greenfinch; Dunnock; Yellow Legged Gull; Collared Dove; House Sparrow.

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