Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Francoise the "Scaup" Magnet! Draycote this Morning!

Well, what a morning! How best to sum up Draycote this morning? Dark - Dull - Dreary- Dismal - Drizzle - Depressing - the list could go on! I persevered (what a hero!) and walked the perimeter, picking up on the drake Smew off Farborough Bank though distant. It was so quiet with only the expected species in very reduced numbers. A Buzzard sat in the field below Farborough Bank and a Sparrowhawk flew through Toft shallows. A Stoat was a welcome sight near Biggin Bay, as were two Lesser Redpoll in the hedgerow. Arriving at the outlet, the female Scaup was easily picked out but again very distant, that is, until a vision in turquoise arrived ( Francoise F)! Miraculously, the Scaup headed towards us and gave reasonably close views. Francoise is now known as the Scaup magnet! A full list of todays sightings is at the end of this post.

(More images on my website - see link opposite)

Todays Sightings:

Greenfinch; Song Thrush; Robin; Blackbird; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Jackdaw; Rook; Blue Tit; Chaffinch; Mallard; Pied Wagtail; Lapwing; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Great Crested Grebe; Cormorant; LBB Gull; Tufted Duck; Herring Gull; Goosander; Smew; Goldeneye; Pheasant; Buzzard; GBB Gull; Wigeon; Dunnock; Magpie; Gadwall; Common Gull; Goldfinch; Teal; Moorhen; Sparrowhawk; Great Tit; Long Tailed Tit; Green Woodpecker; Kestrel; Bullfinch; Lesser Redpoll;Dabchick; Skylark; Pochard; Scaup; Stock Dove; Redwing.



  1. I managed to get over there one day last week and as usual as time was short had to make the decision of which way to walk in the hope of seeing the Smew and the Scaup. Such is my luck that I picked the wrong way and saw neither :( The best I managed was a pair of Goldeneye but the wind was so bad it was difficult to keep the camera steady!

    Great photos here, I particularly like the last one.

  2. Cheers, ShySongbird. Had it not been for the Scaup coming close, I would not have had any images at all! I know what you mean about going the "wrong" way - if time is short, I walk to Toft & back in the morning or valve tower & back in the afternoons. This gives the best light.
