Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Frampton Marsh (Lincs) - 19th September 2012

Golden Plover
I last visited Frampton Marsh in April of last year and recall the closeness of the birds and the ease of obtaining good images. Of course, this visit dashed my expectations, with most birds remaining distant or in the direct sunlight! However, a number of good birds were observed, and some very pleasant and interesting people were met in the hides! Stimulating discussions took place on a variety of issues, not always relating to birding! Best birds of the day were a distant Pectoral Sandpiper (year tick) and at least 14 Curlew Sandpipers. The bright, direct sunlight and the raptor presence made the birds very nervous and constantly challenged all in observing them! Raptors included Peregrine (that I missed!), Hobby, Merlin, Sparrowhawk, Marsh Harrier and Kestrel.
Thr reedbed pool was full to capacity with wader species, no doubt co-inciding with the high tide in the Wash. Bar Tailed Godwit, Black Tailed Godwit, Knot, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Grey Plover, Turnstone and Redshank all jostled for a position on the islands. An enjoyable 10hrs spent in the field, with some very friendly people nade for a great day. A complete list of birds can be found at the end of this post.
Black Tailed Godwit

Little Egret


Curlew Sandpiper (some with Ruff)

Todays Sightings:
Grey heron; Rook; Wood Pigeon; Pheasant; Carrion Crow; Magpie; Black Headed Gull; Mute Swan; Robin; Wren; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Teal; Marsh Harrier; Dabchick; Cormorant; Swallow; Bar Tailed Godwit; Moorhen; Wigeon; Black Tailed Godwit; Knot; Canada Goose; Little Egret; Ringed Plover; Dunlin; Pied Wagtail; Grey Plover; Turnstone; Redshank; Lapwing; House Martin; Coot; Meadow Pipit; Ruff; Herring Gull; LBB Gull; Shelduck; Pectoral Sandpiper; Gadwall; Spotted Redshank; Shoveler; Starling; Greenshyank; Wheatear; Jackdaw; Skylark; Curlew Sandpiper; Snipe; Greenfinch; House Sparrow; Yellow Wagtail; Hobby; Pintail; Sparrowhawk; Merlin; Golden Plover; Goldfinch; Kestrel.