Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Draycote Water

An early morning visit to Draycote Water in order to avoid most of the joggers and cyclists was my destination today. Farborough Bank held at least ten Yellow Wagtails with numbers decreasing as disturbance increased. The flies were awful and I was soon covered, but I am sure their numbers decreased when I met Bob H and Richard M, who seemed intent on swallowing large numbers! Toft Shallows held two Shelduck and a pair of Shovelers, with increasing numbers of singing Blackcaps and Willow Warblers. An Oystercatcher flew from the valve tower towards biggin bay but was not seen to land. Two female Bramblings were in the bushes next to the bird hide and two Swallows skimmed the water. Sand Martin numbers increased to thirty plus and the large number of Gulls on the water eventually produced two first summer Little Gulls (probably more). A phone call from Richard M alerted me to an Osprey high over Biggin Bay at 1015. A Little Ringed Plover frequented the sailing club boat park area and was probably the same bird seen flying over rainbow corner an hour later.

Meadow Pipit

Yellow Wagtail

 Great Crested Grebe


Todays Sightings:

Rook; Blackbird; Robin; Magpie; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Chaffinch; Wren; Dunnock; Greenfinch; Goldfinch; Blue Tit; Yellow Wagtail; Great Crested Grebe; Pied Wagtail; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Coot; Black Headed Gull; Mute Swan; Carrion Crow; Willow Warbler; Meadow Pipit; Canada Goose; Cormorant; Oystercatcher; Lapwing; LBB Gull; Yellowhammer; Gadwall; Wigeon; Grey Lag Goose; Song Thrush; Jackdaw; Shoveler; Teal; Shelduck; Starling; Green Woospecker; Common Gull; Blackcap; Brambling; Great Tit; Swallow; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Sand Martin; Little Ringed Plover; Skylark; Osprey; Reed Bunting; Moorhen; Linnet; Goldeneye; Stock Dove; Little Gull.


  1. Hi Kevin, just caught up with your last few posts and lovely photos. Absolutely beautiful ones of the Spotted Crake!

    I'm still laughing about the Spoonbill debacle ;)

    I can't believe that woman with the dog was so rude to you!!

    Lovely photos on this post, I particularly like the ones of the Yellow Wagtails.

    Those flies are a real nuisance, they were so bad one day last year that we could only stick it for twenty minutes!

  2. Thanks, ShySongbird - I was really lucky with the Spotted Crake after about 18 hours of waiting!
