Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Marsh Lane West Midlands

Gadwall (early morning)

(Distant) Golden Plover



Golden Plover


Great Tit

Great Tit

Great Tit

(More Images on my Website - See Link Opposite)

The weather forecast for this morning was appalling, and since today is my only available day for birding this week, I decided to visit Marsh Lane. The rationale was that the hides are relatively close together, so if heavy rain was to fall, I could hide hop. I need not have worried, the day started cloudy and even included some sunny intervals!

My other thoughts for today were to try for the Glossy Ibis at Fishers Mill. Where? I would not have a clue where to start in that area! Also, aren't the birders in that area rather scary?!!! As a result, I still haven't seen the Glossy Ibis!

I had not been to Marsh Lane since May of this year, so a visit was long overdue. The pools were flush with the usual wildfowl and in good numbers, but nothing outside of the ordinary! On my previous visits, I have only visited the main pools, but today I ventured along the old road to the dragonfly pool and along the concrete road. Again nothing out of the ordinary!

I have read somewhere that "certain" birders have special bins that allow them to see exceptional birds whenever they go out. If someone knows where they can be purchased, I am now in the market for a pair!!!!

Best of the day was a Stonechat in front of the Oak Hide and approximately 150 Golden Plover. A Water Rail briefly appeared in front of Railway Hide. The old road hedges held large numbers of Redwing with approximately 50 Goldfinches along the concrete road. The Great Tit (old road) had obviously been bathing and was very obliging, that is until it saw me taking pics. It then seemed to turn around as if in embarrassment, covering its head in its wing, as if a towel!

Today's Sightings:

Grey Lag Goose; Jackdaw; Pheasant; Chaffinch; Carrion Crow; Wren; Wood Pigeon; Moorhen; Common Snipe; Wigeon; BH Gull; Shoveler; Mallard; Lapwing; Tufted Duck; Cormorant; Dabchick; Coot; Teal; Pochard; LBB Gull; Gadwall; Redwing; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Robin; Mute Swan; Black Swan; Water Rail; Reed Bunting; Pied Wagtail; Stonechat; Blackbird; Green Woodpecker; Magpie; Rook; Starling; Grey Heron; Meadow Pipit; Greenfinch; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Golden Plover; Nuthatch; Skylark; Goldfinch; Long Tailed Tit; Dunnock; Linnet.


  1. Hi Kevin.I went there yesterday but at lunchtime.You did better than me allthough I saw the Stonechat and the Golden Plovers.

  2. love the first golden plover picture, very atmospheric, well done

  3. Early bird, Max - You know me, up with the lark and out at first light! I left about 1200.

    Cheers MB. Must get down to Upton W soon. Are the birders there as scary as those in the Tame Valley?
