Previously “Diary of a Birding Medic”; “Rugby Birder”; "Bempton Birder”. All views expressed in this blog are my OWN and do not represent the opinions or policies of any organisations or entities whatsoever with whom I have been, am now or will be affiliated. Reference to Bempton Cliffs in NO way promotes the organisation known as RSPB Bempton Cliffs, but rather the FREEdom of the cliffs.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Brandon Marsh

Light & Dark - Grey Lag Goose East Marsh Pool

Mute Swan - East Marsh Pool

Mute Swan - East Marsh Pool

Mute Swan - East Marsh Pool

Mute SWan - East Marsh Pool

Mute Swan - East Marsh Pool

Snipe - Carlton Pool

Cormorant - Carlton Pool

Water Rail - Carlton Pool

Water Rail - Carlton Pool

Water Rail - Carlton Pool

Water Rail - Carlton Pool

(More images on website - see link opposite)

I had not visited Brandon Marsh since August, so as the sun was shining, I decided to give it a go. The weather was superb - typically autumnal and pleasantly warm. I arrived later than usual, though, at 0930, and staying until 1245.

The reserve was not as crowded as the cars parked would suggest. The "Tuesday Crowd" were no where to be seen, but later some of them were spotted having just ringed some Barn Owlets. East Marsh Pool held all of the usual suspects, the best being a female Pintail which unfortunately refused to come into camera lens view! Passage of Redwing was very noticeable over Newlands with a small movement of Skylarks as well. Carlton Pool held a very obliging Water Rail and Common Snipe making a change from the "posy" Kingfisher which I missed.

The morning was spent taking any photographic opportunity that materialised, the results of which can be seen above, with more on my website.

Todays Sightings:

Pheasant; Robin; Wood Pigeon; Carrion Crow; Bullfinch; Magpie; Song Thrush; Dunnock; LT Tit; Grey Lag Goose; Cormorant; Wren; Redwing; Blackbird; Great Tit; Coot; Chaffinch; Mallard; Tufted Duck; Cettis Warbler; Stock Dove; Gt Sp Woodpecker; Blue Tit; Moorhen; Lapwing; Wigeon; Canada Goose; Grey Heron; BH Gull; Jackdaw; Pochard; Dabchick; Gadwall; Snipe; Pintail (f); Mute Swan; Pied Wagtail; Jay; Skylark; Water Rail; Starling; Rook; Treecreeper.


  1. Love the water rail and snipe pics Kev these are 2 birds I want to get on my list before christmas. Coming home from work today there was what seemed to be an endless stream of birds in the air heading east, the sky was full of birds in the dusk. Do a lot of bird species fly together or would it be just one species.

  2. Cheers, Col. Brandon is a good for both Water Rail and Snipe (and lots of other birds) with opportunities to observe from the hides. With regard to the dusk birds, this could be migration as at the moment large numbers of Redwing are on the move, a Starling roost, Gulls heading to roost, the list is endless. It is always worth searching through the birds as they may be of different species or all the same.
